

衣先生1916年出生於山東濟南,父親諱振青,號興林,母親孫立青氏。與夫人蕭瑛華女士相識相愛於烽火漫延時,牽手走過六十五年深情歲月。育有一子三女,次女英文名Victoria 正是由蔣夫人所取。


I believe that the children of the I clan should be ever mindful of the hard work of our ancestors and increase their own efforts. They should strive to excel and contribute to their society and to their country. They should also thank God for his blessing, be grateful in their hearts, and be willing to fulfill their own responsibility to help others. They should be compassionate and generous...... (abstracted from I Fu-En's "My Memoirs")